• On behalf of Donny Epstein and the EpiEnergetics family, CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to experience the EXTRAORDINARY! YOUR INPUT IS IMPORTANT The answers you provide on this form are invaluable to EpiEnergetics and Donny Epstein in the preparation to best serve you. Thank you for your part in creating an experience like no other!

  • Which of the following describes your current state? Select only your top 3 then enter those statements in order 1-2-3, in the fields below. Note: You may copy and paste your choice into the box next to its priority for you, or you may type your choice.
    Please choose from the following list of options:
    • It seems like nothing works. It seems like it will never end.
    • I want to get rid of this painful situation. I find the need to find cause.
    • I feel stuck (or blocked) and am being held back.
    • It is time I take my power, life and/or health back.
    • I am willing to peel back my illusions, stories, rules, and beliefs and be with whatever is there to find what is real.
    • I will do whatever it takes as I am so ready. I can feel and sense the next level.
    • I accept what has happened, and am ready for resolution. I realize these patterns once served me, and are now outworn and no longer welcome.
    • I feel grateful for what has happened and will happen.
    • I am very blessed.
    • I realize that we are all connected, and everything is purposely organized. I look for the gift even in the pain.

  • THANK YOU FOR SHARING! We look forward to providing you with an Extraordinary Experience!

    Please click the "SEND" button below to provide us with your valuable information.