NetworkSpinal Discover Care Experience
Burlingame, CA, United States
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At this Discover Care Experience, you will learn and experience the Season of Discover and its relationship to the Bio-Energetic and Emotional Energetic aspects of Innate Intelligence. This involves the self-organizational capacity of the body’s structures, especially the vertebrae, ligaments and discs, the connective tissue, and the long and postural muscles and tendons and emotional system.
In the Season of Discover the individual has learned to move away from painful experiences using conditioned defense strategies that block further growth and healing. The Season of Discover of NetworkSpinal Care is explored with the objective to enhance greater spinal and somatic awareness while establishing new levels of spinal and neural integrity and self regulation of vertebral subluxations.
At this weekend you will learn about the Spinal and Neural Integrity dynamic interactions in the Season of Discover.
Chiropractors and Chiropractic Students may attend. Chiropractic students enrolled in an accredited Doctor of Chiropractic degree program who are in their 4th quarter or 3rd trimester or above are eligible to attend NetworkSpinal Experiences and Practicums.
For California CEs please contact the EpiEnergetics Team at +1 (303) 678-8086
Saturday – Check-in: 8:30 AM
Event times: 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
Lunch: 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Sunday – Event times: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Lunch: 12:15 PM – 1:45 PM
Our room rate is $169.00 + taxes per night and this group rate closes on April 3rd. To book use the link below:
Book your group rate for NetworkSpinal Discover Care Experience.
April 22, 2023 @ 8:30 am - April 23, 2023 @ 5:30 pm
San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront
1800 Old Bayshore HwyBurlingame, CA 94010 United States
NetworkSpinal Education