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Donny Epstein + EpiLiving

The Energetic Experience

February 18, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Westminster, CO, United States
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Learn how to participate in the energetics of your personal and the collective EpiField in this raw and real group experience. It is both an entry level offering, and ever deepening opportunity for refreshers wanting to profoundly experience the Energetic Influencers, known as the Survivor, Reactor, Thinker, Optimizer, Illuminator and Weaver. Guided by Donny Epstein, you will experience the vocabulary of the ranges of energies available in and through your EpiField. Gain real-time awareness of how these dynamics instantly influence those around you and the collective EpiFields of humanity.

Here’s what recent participants have said of The Energetic Experience: 

“The Energetic experience has been the most trans formative event I have ever attended. I don’t have words for how amazing Donny’s work is. Donny keeps raising the bar every time to meet what is required to shift all of humanity to a new extraordinary level.” – Michael M.

“The Energetic Experience is exceptional – you will learn and experience different levels of personal energy available to humanity. This event was unforgettable. Donny Epstein is a powerful teacher. . . One needs to experience this firsthand as words don’t really do it justice.” – Jonathan M.

“The EpiEnergetics experience was amazing… Life changing. It put so many puzzle pieces together for me. Anyone looking for healing must attend this event. Just do it!” – Will N.


PARTICIPATE IN THE FULL EPIPALOOZA! WEEKEND – including The Gate and The Energetic Experience

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Event Details

February 18, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 7:00 pm


Westin Westminster

10600 Westminster Blvd
Westminster, CO 80020 United States

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Donny Epstein + EpiLiving


Live Experience for Seekers

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Donny Epstein