NetworkSpinal Transform Care Practicum – POSTPONED

Urban Hippie 833 W 7th Street, Dallas

A hands-on continuation of the Transform Care Experience designed especially for the clinical preparation of practitioners that involves the supervised practical application of the studied series of the Season of Transform. Chiropractors and Chiropractic Students who have completed the Transform Care Experience (or Level 2 Seminar) may attend. Attend an Awaken Care Practicum the same […]

NetworkSpinal Discover Care Experience – POSTPONED

Quality Hotel Parnell 10-20 Gladstone Road, Auckland

At this Discover Care Experience you will learn and experience the Season of Discover and its relationship to the Bio-Energetic and Emotional Energetic aspects of Innate Intelligence. This involves the self-organizational capacity of the body’s structures, especially the vertebrae, ligaments and discs, the connective tissue, and the long and postural muscles and tendons and emotional […]