More About AlchemE® with Donny Epstein
For centuries, scientists, philosophers and visionaries searched for the magical Philosophers Stone, an element thought to be so powerful it could transmute ordinary metals into gold. While these early explorers stumbled across many discoveries, the ability to change the ordinary into the extraordinary eluded them. Fast forward to today, and we see a new modern alchemy in the world. Simple ordinary keystrokes have the power transform the world’s kingdoms. Space and time are circumvented through social network platforms. Particle accelerators transmute ordinary particles into the basic elements that were the very building blocks at the beginning of existence.
The reality that you live is not what you think it is, and it never really was.
There is a sacred recipe for us to manifest an impactful reality that goes beyond anything you have ever done before or imagined. You can create possibilities for you and those you wish to influence that have never been possible, only if you know your personalized energetic recipe. You can become a torch holder for the next tier of human experience, where the invisible forces that shape reality and our experience are demystified, and you learn the secret elements and forces of influence and manifestation.
It is time to go beyond the desire or need for personal development. You are so much more than a person! Awakening in this crazy time requires mastery of a new use of energy and consciousness.
The space between us all, the field, and the cloud of unbound potential is now available for AlchemE in your life and for humanity.
Through the year long experience, Donny will help you discover and explore new energetic realities required for manifesting what you are called to in life. Donny will share the secrets he uses to effortlessly and easily enhance, access and influence your energetic field, which is your personalized blockchain of humanity.

EpiEnergetics is a (r)evolution of how people, businesses, communities and the spaces connecting us interact, collaborate, evolve, and express their authentic signature in the world. It uniquely applies energy and information consciously and ecologically to produce your personal or organizational extraordinary. You can effortlessly experience, harness, and evolve the energetics that shape your life, health, relationships, business, and reality…as you know it. You will gain, with each module, real and raw skills for constructively influencing people effortlessly through your own beingness. AlchemE is Donny Epstein’s most advanced application of EpiEnergetics ever taught, designed for extraordinary living and impacting the future of humanity.
Why are you running your life on Humanity 1.0 when you were designed and destined to run Humanity 10.0? What aspect of your life, body, business or relationships needs attention? What must be upgraded? Is there a whisper or relentless shout calling you to more? In AlchemE, you will learn to access and apply energetic strategies specifically designed to create transformation. You will increase the ‘bandwidth’ of possibility and potential in your life, and celebrate what you never thought possible achieving, and often instantly seeing these skills effecting others in your relationships, personally and professionally… and more.

Experience the impact of the 4 Domains in life
Experience and learn about the impact and power of the 4 Domains in Life:
– Health/Body Sense
– Relationship/Intimacy
– Business/Finance
– Impact upon the Field for Humanity
What domain are you considering upgrading? What is your gap? What is your optimal domain order? What is your why and where is it your EpiGrid™?
And so much more… in every Weme!
Instantly impact and influence others – help usher what is essential, profound, and calling you beyond reason
All relationships occur in the space between us. Your ability to create any extraordinary relationship – family, intimate partnership, business, friends or acquaintances – starts in the space between you and others. In AlchemE, you will learn how use the field between you, or we dare say seduce the field, to unveil its richness, interconnection and grace. Whether you want more intimacy with your lover, more connection with your family members or more synergy with your team, AlchemE will give you the recipe and strategies to make this real and watch your relationships, of all kinds, blossom and grow.
The way energy is used in life shows up in our relationships. Recently, the discord and struggle for power and dominance between the masculine and feminine has triggered a call for a new way. The next tier requires more from the masculine and feminine energetic dynamic. Discover revolutionary and ‘soul-gasmic’ experiences with our own expression of the masculine and feminine. Surrender to their complimentary energetic nature and realize their application in the field of creation and manifestation. You will learn working on relationships will always take effort and have minimal results, whereas knowing the energetic calling of masculine and feminine, and their sacred dance, beyond the conditioning and baggage of gender, releases the magical fire of true relationships and evolving possibility for us all.
The ‘old world’ way of going about things requires more effort, yet delivers lesser reward. All business is really about adding value to the field of humanity, and liberating more energy and information than is bound. Learn how to create and share rapid measurable energetic results. Applying the right energy for the right result is like turning on an electromagnet, all the parts instantly align with purpose and efficient collaborative action for success. AlchemE will help guide you to use the right force and energy, at the right time, to create and achieve business and professional success beyond what you have envisioned possible.
Manifestation starts with energy. In fact, ALL THINGS start with energy. What types of energy are you using in life? Are you even aware of this? Whether conscious or unconscious, there is a field of energy that is working on, with and around at all times which has a unique set of codes to use it. The type and amount of energy in your field, plus your focused attention impacts everything you call reality and your life. As you optimize the type and amount of energy you optimize your influence and attraction in your life and that of those whom with you interact. In AlchemE, you will discover how to hack this field so that you can master its potential for yourself, and to make a bigger difference in the world. You will know your formula for harnessing the invisible forces that shape existence!
The Search Starts/Stops Here
You have done the personal growth programs, yet still ache for more. Something still elusive to you, something you know possible yet do not know how to grasp. Invisible forces construct your reality, yet you continue to pursue the visible. Are you ready to open your mind to being something more? The search for personal growth stops here, and a new reality calling you begins and takes off.