Hi! I’m Dr. Amy Gunderson-Lewis! I am deeply passionate about and committed to helping people connect to their true power and express their life potential! Chiropractic, and more specifically, NetworkSpinal woke that purpose up in me. I had always felt a hunger to serve humanity and was drawn to the fields of health and healing. Prior to transitioning to Chiropractic, I served as a massage therapist for 10 years. It was such a profound experience to help guide people’s bodies through tension and challenges to their natural state of peace and ease. A chiropractor that I worked for brought me to a Chiropractic seminar put on by Parker University and that’s where the miracle of Chiropractic found me! He spoke about an innate intelligence inside each and every one of us that is always striving to express and self heal, it just needed no interference.

Practitioner Categories: Clinical Proficiency, Master-E - 2017/2018, Master-E - 2018/2019, Master-E - 2019/2020, Master-E Participant, Teaching Team Member, and Written Proficiency