Dr. Anne Jenkins is an inspiring and passionate doctor of chiropractic and wellness educator. Her passion in life is assisting people in transforming their lives through the advanced health and wellness strategies available through Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI), and Reorganizational Healing.
Additional passions include singing and songwriting.
Before earning her doctor of chiropractic degree at the prestigious Life University in Marietta, Georgia, Dr. Anne studied at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where she earned a B.S. in Movement Science in the division of Kinesiology. She graduated With Distinction, concentrating in Exercise Physiology.
Dr. Anne was introduced to Network Spinal Analysis as a chiropractic student. When she experienced the work and discovered for herself the greater degree of peace, ease, and wellness in her own body, she committed to serving humanity through this revolutionary healing art.
In 2002, she opened the Inner Wisdom Healing Studio in Carlsbad, California where she witnessed the profound effects of NSA and SRI with hundreds of people seeking greater wellness.
Celebrating her 20th Anniversary the same location, Dr. Anne has renovated and renamed her center to Well Being For Life, and is committed to continue serving the North San Diego County Community to add extraordinary value to the lives of those people seeking optimal Well Being For Life!