Carina Roesener is a renowned NetworkSpinal Practitioner built upon the highest Master level training for NetworkSpinal. She is an internationally trained Medical Doctor, Chiropractor (specialized in EpiHealing and EpiLiving using NetworkSpinal and EpiIntegrate), Acupuncturist, and Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management. Carina was trained in 3 continents, in Germany, Switzerland, the US, and China. She has extensive experience in personal life transformation – health & life – and professionally in business leadership, strategy and implementation consulting. In recognition of her visionary contribution, Carina was awarded among others as honorary professor and doctor.
Carina has also successfully worked with leading recognized international political leaders (presidents, ministers and royal highnesses) and political parties.
Carina has intensely studied Dr. Donald Epstein’s work (to the highest master level) in all areas and on all levels for over 10 years, since he has introduced his extraordinary, groundbreaking (r)evolutionary Reorganizational approaches as a fully integrated model, the roots of EpiEnergetics. And she continues learning and studying with and from him to further upgrading her wisdom. She also closely works with Dr. Epstein (as consultant and CEO of his companies Wise World Seminars, EpiEnergetics Institute). She has fully embodied the various reorganizational and EpiEnergetic technologies and applications as the center of her life and she has personally worked with thousands of people and hundreds of companies, and successfully, impactfully implemented the groundbreaking, (r)-evolutionary EpiEnergetics applications created and invented by Dr. Epstein into people’s lives and the corporate and organizational culture.
After having successfully mastered all her various educations, academic trainings and professional experiences Carina has realized that the essence in life, personally and professionally, transcends all scientific knowledge. The core of life is an expression of the energetics of the inherent universal wisdom in all life. Consciously knowing and having access to these forces is the ultimate purpose in life. The integration of both, knowledge and wisdom is Carina’s greatest gift in working with people.
She relates to you as a Mensch, adds her knowledge and experience expressed through her heart to touch your soul, personally and professionally, to express your true purpose and essence of your being in life.