A chiropractor for over 25 years, Dr. Mary Johnston has been at the forefront of the Chiropractic profession integrating the cutting edge wellness protocols of Reorganizational Healing, Network Spinal Analysis, and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) into her practice and coaching thousands of patients in living a healthier, more fulfilling and more meaningful life. Dr. Mary Johnston has obtained the highest level of certification in Network Spinal Analysis. She has additionally completed the Master E and Master-E Plus programs with Donny Epstein. An international wellness instructor who remains current in her skills, Dr. Mary Johnston has served on the Wise World Seminar teaching staff, as well as a Transformational Gate staff doctor, since 1999. Furthermore, she is a certified SRI Wellness Instructor. Dr. Mary Johnston is cofounder and current President of the New York Metro Reorganizational Healing Practice. She has served in that position since 2013, leading local area doctors in monthly meetings to discuss and practice their clinical skills. A graduate of Adelphi University with a Bachelor of Science degree, Dr. Mary Johnston graduated from the New York Chiropractic College in April 1988, where she started the first Network Chiropractic Club for Students in 1985.

Mary Johnston, D.C.
Network Chiropractic of Baldwin(516) 623-3195
[email protected]
Practitioner Categories: Clinical Proficiency, Master-E - 2015/2016, Master-E - 2016/2017, Master-E - 2017/2018, Master-E - 2018/2019, Master-E - 2019/2020, Teaching Team Member, and Written Proficiency