Dr. Richelle Knowles is well known as a chiropractor residents can rely on for compassionate and empathetic care at the Boulder wellness center. She began her impressive academic career at Duquesne University in Pennsylvania. Her deep commitment to entering the field of health care led her to pursue a degree in pharmacology. However, Dr. Richelle’s life changed dramatically when she learned about the theory, principles, and practice of chiropractic and chose to leave behind her studies in pharmacology. She enrolled at Sherman College of Chiropractic and proved herself to be a student of remarkable ability. She was named Chiropractic Intern of the Month and represented Sherman College at the World Congress of Chiropractic Students before graduating with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. In 2011, Dr. Richelle was deeply honored to receive an appointment to the Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners from Governor John Hickenlooper. She currently serves on the Chiropractic State Board.

Richelle Knowles, D.C.
Network Wellness Center(303) 998-1000
[email protected]
Practitioner Categories: Clinical Proficiency, Master-E - 2015/2016, Master-E - 2016/2017, Master-E - 2017/2018, Master-E - 2018/2019, Master-E - 2019/2020, Teaching Team Member, and Written Proficiency