I invite you to share my latest evolution of the 12 Stages. It is so profound that with humility, I call it a PHENOMENON!
What makes it an evolution… a must… a PHENOMENON?
Today’s 12 Stages experience is so much MORE, a Seeker’s launch on an even more unreasonable and extraordinary journey where YOU become part of the massive change so needed at this time in the world.
Here are answers to some of the questions I have been asked about the upcoming NEW experience I call The 12 Stages Phenomenon:
Q: I heard you say that the 12 Stages is not the same as SRI. Can you help me understand the difference?
A: The 12 Stages are 12 unique rhythms or “memes” of consciousness that regulate the range of what is possible for you, your manifestations, impact, and the quality of your life. In my book, The 12 Stages of Healing, there are extensive descriptions of each of the stages.
SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration) -now refined and presented as SomatoRespiratory (one word) Integration- is a powerful strategy created to access each of those 12 Stages. It utilizes focused attention, breath, energy and movement as strategies to help access and support the embodiment of the stages.
First developed in the 1990s, a time when body-mind-spirit in healing was controversial, it was taught so that chiropractors using my Network methods could include an expanded model of healing in their practice without concern for regulatory censorship.
The main objective had been, and still is, to experience and access the stage itself. As the human field of possibilities has evolved, there is now MORE!
Q: How will this PHENOMENON change my experience of the 12 stages?
A: I am now able, through the human energy field and unbound energy of this Next Tier of humanity, to use a wider range of strategies to personally access- and help YOU to access- each of the 12 Stages. Introducing these strategies that are just now emerging is only part of the reason I call this a PHENOMENON!
Q: Why is it important to distinguish between the two parts of each domain: Is it Relationship or Intimacy that is the challenge? Is it my health or is it my sense of my body? Is it business itself, or is it really finance that is my challenge? Or maybe some are not challenges but really gifts?
A: Domain components may seem as if they are the same, yet they are different. For example, you may think that you have massive pain or rejection in a relationship you have been in for several years. However, the information app you call Relationship may be representing a powered stage, yet the domain component of Intimacy may be in the stage of suffering, in polarity, or being stuck. Knowing this can help you focus the 12 Stages technology for greater precision for your outcome. During The 12 Stages Phenomenon, we will individually and collectively explore and experience one another through the different domains, their energetics, and the 12 Stages.
Q: With SRI, it seems like I am just going through a series of steps to fix myself. Sometimes it really seems that nothing works. Will I have help with this at The 12 Stages Phenomenon?
A: Wow, with this question you have told me so much! During The 12 Stages Phenomenon, these types of questions or comments will be shared. You and the community in attendance will gain an understanding as to why you are having this experience and the possible solutions for you.
For example, why are you doing the exercise? What is the desired outcome? Are you seeking to be with or move away from something- or from its energetic? Which stage leads to sensing that nothing works or that it will never end, and, which stage instantly launches you to claim your power and play a bigger game?
The challenge is when you are seeking to be in a different stage before you’ve gained the wisdom or success for the stage you are in. While not all stages feel good, they are all real. All stages determine what is possible or not, and how and what you can manifest and influence. Are you feeling your own suffering or are you empathically experiencing the suffering of billions of others? By fully being with this stage for humanity… something powerful will suddenly happen for YOU- as it has for so many.
Q: How will The 12 Stages Phenomenon help me to understand and be better in specific areas of my life?
A: Through this experience, you will get to know and focus the impact of the Stages in the 4 domains of YOUR life!
– Health/Body Sense
– Relationship/Intimacy
– Business/Finance
– Impact on others and humanity
For example, you might be suffering in the domain of Relationship and kicking butt, so to speak, in Business. You will get to decide how to influence not only that for which you are most successful. You will also recognize the stages that still drag you down and how to address them from a 12 Stages solution for so much more in your life and your positive influence upon others.
Q: At the recent Total Donny Experience, I found out that sometimes when we think it is a particular stage we want to access, it can be another energetic calling to be addressed- such as the Energy State, or how the Domain or Stage or role in life is accessed in the field. Will this be addressed at The 12 Stages Phenomenon?
A: Since the emergence of AlchemE, it has been integrated into the 12 Stages resulting in new beneficial discernments. During The 12 Stages Phenomenon, we will explore the relationships between the stages, the Seasons, the energy states, the Internal and External EpiWays, and the energy grid- and how each of these impact one another. For those familiar with The Seeker’s Code and/or AlchemE interactives- the convergence of these fields is exactly what you have been asking for!
Q: How can The 12 Stages Phenomenon help me in making more effective decisions and improving my human performance?
A: There are stages in which your life equals your circumstance, and you simply want to move away from pain or seek to change your circumstance to have comfort or relief. When there is not enough energy for “you-ness” and to be able to make a choice, you instead REACT and then often life pushes back at you.
These are the stages for you to learn to experience the energetics of your separateness and polarity. Bound energy and information create a “charge” waiting to explode. There are stages in which the sense of who you have been dissolves and you wake up beyond the matrix to the true energetic fabric of one humanity, When accessed effectively these create an energized resourcefulness from which YOU will more easily follow your calling and make conscious and effective choices.
There are stages where you make choices, stages that help you see and break beyond your conditioning, stages to optimize your choices, and ones to just BE. With a higher level of coherent energy, your human performance will shine!
Q: I heard that there are specific affirmations for each of the stages that are part of the solution.
A: Affirmations are to help change ‘belief or experience A’ into ‘belief or experience B’, most often denying or rejecting the true experience.
Instead, stating the exact declaration representing the stage you are in, can be enough to set you free from the bondage of that stage- and effortlessly launch the MORE of another stage! Together we will explore the most recent and user-friendly innovations for each stage.
Q: Can the experience of a stage be beyond just my personal experience? Can my access to the stages influence others?
A: An outcome of all the EpiEnergetics’ methods is to personally provide you with the knowledge and experience to be more of the change so needed in today’s world. Through the experience and conscious choice of your chosen stages, the meme of these universal stages instantly impacts, influences, and creates quantum entanglement with the field of others.
You will profoundly experience that we are all one. When any person at the microphone, on the stage, or in their seat experiences the essence of a stage we all co-experience the stage. We will also do some EpiIntegrate practices. These are versions of SRI for the energetic field of humanity that will help you access and transmit the power and intention of the stages with a more profound impact for the world.
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November 1-3, 2024