At 14 years of age, Aimee was sitting in her Chiropractor’s office and she suddenly knew that she was going to be a Chiropractor…it was like a lightning bolt moment. She had many great results with Chiropractic care over the years in her own life and she wanted a life of helping people in the same way.
It wasn’t until she went to Chiropractic school at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minnesota that she asked the question “Is this all that there is as a Chiropractor – back pain and headaches?” She knew there was more – helping with these issues is important but she wanted to help people live their best lives as well.
Not long after asking this question, she was introduced to Dr Donny Epstein and the technique of Network Spinal Analysis in those days, now NetworkSpinal. Dr. Aimee has been using NetworkSpinal and its related reorganizational healing methods since 2000 in her practice. She has attended many Gates, Healing fests, 12 Stages programs, and Ultimatum, and participated in Master E and AlchemE and AlchemE Mentor.
Aimee lives and practices on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand.