Hi! I’m Clint and I am the founder, manager, and chiropractor at Unbound Healing in Holland, Michigan. I graduated from Sherman College of Chiropractic in Boiling Springs, South Carolina – the home of a rigorous and philosophically centered program educating and training candidates in a wide variety of topics including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, spinal and extremity adjusting, rehabilitative therapies and much, much more throughout the 4-year Doctorate in Chiropractic (D.C.) program. While enjoying and excelling in all areas, my interests fell primarily upon the philosophy, foundational principles, and masterful application of NetworkSpinal, a specific technique within the more general field of Chiropractic.
Before finding my way into the chiropractic profession, I spent nearly a decade serving various communities in and around Orlando, FL, and Hendersonville, NC, as a firefighter and paramedic. It was during this time that I was able to see firsthand the often-detrimental impacts of our reliance on unnatural substances to alleviate pain, reduce anxiety or depression, or otherwise cover or numb any number of other ailments. I came to believe that perhaps we’re simply missing opportunities to laugh, love, and thrive because we’re so busy avoiding pain and discomfort (in all its forms). And I now believe that we have it within all of us to explore new and powerful ways to not just manage, but exponentially improve our health and the overall quality of our lives.
Personally, I’ve been blessed with a number of admittedly challenging experiences that have opened my mind to the extraordinary gifts that are within all of us. I was missing the mark for most of my life – not knowing why I was here, how to use my gifts, or even figure out what they were. I devoted unsustainable amounts of energy and effort into maintaining who I thought I was supposed to be – who I believed I needed to be for everyone else – instead of really seeing and being myself. And it was through learning about, receiving, and sharing NetworkSpinal chiropractic care that I came to realize how much of my own life I’d been missing while trying to live someone else’s.
A unique combination of knowledge, skill, wisdom, and intention is what I now willingly and joyfully offer to those who are ready to awaken the extraordinary within.