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In the course of chiropractic adjustments of many thousands of individuals, two characteristic phenomena have developed which have resulted in considerable shifts in that individuals' sense of self and their spontaneous movement into, and beyond the transverbal and transpersonal self. These two phenomena consistently appear to be associated with an awareness of individual identity and a definite contact with a "non physical" aspect of self or (non self) whether it is considered a "spiritual" experience, an awareness of a vital energy or force, a "peace", or a profound awareness of a "truth", not generally experienced in our Western society. The incidence of these phenomena in a spinal system that is flexible and free of subluxations, appears to have profound influence on the Individual's ability to discover, redefine, and surrender his or her sense of self. This appears to be associated with a subsequent re-ordering of one's Identity on what appears to be a greater level of organized complexity. This paper presents the concepts of these phenomena I have called the respiratory and somatopsychic waves, and Integrates these processes Into the models that seem to most closely parallel the process. The relationship of specific position and tension of the spinal structures to various states of consciousness appears very characteristic, and reproducible. Greater understanding of these phenomena, and these relationships may revolutionize the fields of psychology, psychiatry, chiropractic, and psychoneuroimmunology.