
AlchemE Mentor

  • Profile: We make choices every day, and many are made unconsciously, often drawing from experience that was painful and may only create more pain. Those less-than-energized choices can disrupt and sabotage the life we are living, sometimes making it difficult to participate in life at all. When choosing consciously, from an energized state the choices we make compel us to create a vision for the future allowing for greater capacity to support ourselves and humanity in an Energy-Rich and powerful way.

    How would it be to live life to your fullest potential, free from the concept of cultural stories some believe to be real? What if it was also effortless and made a difference for so many others than you could imagine?

    I have many years of experience with EpiEnergetics technologies and have been called to the extraordinary purpose for which I am meant. Trained by Donnie Epstein and in collaboration with other Mentors, I am participating in the energetic field as an AlchemE Mentor®, assisting seekers explore their use of energetic focus to expand and allow for greater available energy, to transform how life is experienced and create a greater impact on themselves and all Humanity!

    The extraordinary new book The Seeker’s Code by Donnie Epstein has just been released on Amazon. This is not an ordinary book. If you're called to move beyond current reality, awaken the unreasonable, and inspire the extraordinary, The Seeker's Code is your opportunity to learn how to navigate the greatest renaissance in human history.

    There is a powerfully seductive force calling humanity for MORE, is it calling you?

    I would love to explore with you!
